There are only 6 days left in vegan month.
Twenty-five, meatless, dairy-less days into this experiment, all I can say about veganism is: meh.
Meh, like whatever.
Meh, like I feel no significant physical change what-so-ever.
Do I feel lighter and more energetic? No.
I do feel slightly self-righteous around meat eaters and vegetarians. But really, I’m just jealous because they can eat cheese and I can’t.
All in all, the vegan diet is easy because it’s only marginally different than my normal diet, which is why I FEEL EXACTLY THE SAME. If you eat mostly hot wings, burgers, pizza, steaks, meatloaf, and the like, I’d suggest giving it a whirl, but if you’re already into healthy grains, leafy greens, and lean protein: don’t bother.
The scariest part of vegan month are the horrific desserts I’ve been whipping up on a weekly basis. Massive quantities of flour, soy milk, and canola oil do not make a yummy cookie. Last night I made these peanut-butter cookies that had the look—and what I imagine to be the texture—of little dog poos. (Pictured above)
To be clear, I did not buy the Better Butter, smelt flour, and maple syrup needed for some of the nicer looking recipes because I couldn’t commit. I did find one healthy, tasty, apple cake recipe that just happened to be vegan on You Know What you Ought to Do. My cake was the same as hers, minus all the nuts and fruit.
Ciao people, I’ll see you on the other side of sanity.