A million years ago when I wrote my last post, I did a wee bit of whining.
Thank you for your attention.
-I needed it.
Now I will repay you.
For you, I will attempt to do something.
…something I have attempted many times.-failing however-
Blogging from the road is:
-Mosquito filled internet cafes
-Battling small electronic devices
-Camera-cord mishaps and
-A nail biting test of will
But considering my recent state of employment, it’s time to channel my inner international correspondent.
Saturday I will land in Quito, Ecuador. I have plans to: trek into the jungle, climb an active volcano, and ride IV and V class whitewater rapids.
I now pledge to capture these in the internet-jar for your examination and enjoyment.
There will be food and drinks, and knowing that you will be stopping by will make me keep my promise.
Talk soon,